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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

The constitution of meaningfulness: denotation

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2023. Vol. 12. No. 5. Pp. 241-268.
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Ilyin V. V.
Moscow State Technical University named after N. E. Bauman (Kaluga branch)
2 Bazhenov Street, 248000 Kaluga, Russia
Kokoeva I. A.
State University of Education
24 Vera Voloshina Street, 141014 Mytishchi, Russia
Rodin P. N.
State University of Education
24 Vera Voloshina Street, 141014 Mytishchi, Russia
Shimko A. V.
State University of Education
24 Vera Voloshina Street, 141014 Mytishchi, Russia


As Poincare pointed out dually: the mind has direct intuition; experience can only be an excuse for it to use it and realize it. Approaching the issue without bias, let us resort to inversion: we regard experience as not a trigger, but a touchstone - a means of verifying and testing development activities. Such a tool is necessary for an initiative, initiating, establishing productive innovative acts of the mind. It is necessary, due to the ambiguity of the very nature of the reasonable ability to generate “conceptual (speculative) knowledge”, starting from the ranks of not things, but ideas, with the danger of generating imaginary - “imaginative” objectivity.


  • • imagination
  • • creativity
  • • meaning


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