Socio-territorial mobility in European countries
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2023. Vol. 12. No. 3. Pp. 157-164.
Get the full text (Русский) Email: msmalmira@yandex.ruAbstract
The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that in modern Europe there is a wide variety of housing policies and ways to solve the housing problem. This difference is due to the civilizational and socio-cultural characteristics of the countries, the level of their economic development and a number of other equally significant factors. The main goal is to study the impact of the degree of satisfaction of natural housing needs on socio-territorial mobility in European countries. The object of the analysis was the distinctive features in meeting housing needs in European countries. The subject of the study was the manifestations of socio-territorial mobility among residents of EU countries in conditions of housing inequality. The study revealed how the difference in economic systems affects the speed and scale of social and territorial mobility of EU citizens. This issue plays a significant role in the development of an effective housing policy. In the presented material, an attempt is made to substantiate the thesis about the dependence of the level of social and territorial mobility of citizens on inequality in meeting housing needs. A comparative assessment made it possible to point out the distinctive features in meeting natural housing needs in Europe.
- • social mobility
- • territorial mobility
- • housing
- • residential housing
- • European countries
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