Dialogicity in a literary text (on the material of modern English prose)
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2023. Vol. 12. No. 2. Pp. 121-128.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: y.y.semendyaeva@struust.ruAbstract
The article deals with the concept of a category and in particular the category of dialogicity in the texts of modern literary prose. For this purpose, various types of speech are analyzed: the author’s speech, the speech of characters and the inner speech of characters, which play an important role in expressing dialogicity in a literary text. The purpose of this research is to study the problem of dialogism and ways to implement it in modern English literary prose. The object of the research is dialogical speech in the broadest sense used in a literary text. The subject of the research is the linguistic means that are used in various types of artistic speech: in the author’s speech, the speech of characters and the inner speech of persons acting in novels, acting as areas of application of linguistic means of dialogicity. The author also pays attention to the implicit and explicit types of dialogue and their linguistic features (syntactic (question-answer complexes, interrogative sentences containing a direct question, incomplete, exclamatory and imperative sentences, sentences that include affirmation or negation, as well as sentences that include inversion and insertions), morphological (personal and possessive pronouns, first-person plural verbs, interjections expressing strong feelings or sudden emotions of characters, conjunctions with an adversative and alternative meaning, modal words that have the meaning of opportunity and necessity), lexical units (words with the opposite evaluative orientation, adjectives denoting evaluation) and stylistic devices (allusions, aphorisms, repetitions)). The conclusions of the study of the representation of the category of dialogicity, obtained as a result of studying the works “Life after Life”, “After You”, “The Fault in Our Stars” by modern English writers Kate Atkinson, JoJo Moyes and John Green, are presented.
- • literary text
- • dialogicity
- • explicit dialogue
- • implicit dialogue
- • prose
- • linguistic means
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