Cognitive linguoanthropology in the context of the linguistic picture of the world
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2023. Vol. 12. No. 2. Pp. 104-110.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: lyalyax@bk.ruAbstract
The article is devoted to cognitive linguoanthropology, by which the author understands the methodology of the study of linguistic units generated, stored and used by individuals in the process of communication in a particular society. Cognitive linguoanthropology studies how, with the help of a living natural language, the processes of nomination and actualization of the most important ideological attitudes of a person associated with the release into the language of the results of conceptualization and categorization of the surrounding world occur. In this regard, verbalization is naturally carried out based on the contexts of the use of relevant concepts. The author notes that the key turning point in the direction of anthropology was the assertion of the triumph of man as a thinking subject seeking support and strength in himself, the feeling of himself as a subject of knowledge and the alienation of man from the cosmos that gave birth to him.
- • anthropology
- • cognitive linguoanthropology
- • communication
- • attributive approach
- • existentialist approach
- • functioning of the mental lexicon
- • representation of specific lexical units
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