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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

Functioning of linguistic, literary, philological terms as part of juridical linguistic meta-language (on example of the term “comparison”)

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2022. Vol. 11. No. 6. Pp. 462-468.
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Ziyangirova E. L.
Ufa University of Science and Technologies
32 Zaki Validi Street, 450076 Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia


The meta-language is the language of the second order. Moreover, it is the language for special purpose. Nowadays, there are many researches of this aspect of the language because of its multidimensionality, although just a while ago there were not so many works of linguistic terminological system against the researches of another terminological system, for example, experimental sciences. The juridical linguistic terminological system far cry from perfections like the linguistic terminological system. That is the main reason of it improvement. The research of terminological system of juridical linguistic meta-language is conditioned by necessity of compiling special terminological dictionary, which would fix functioning of terms and terminological combinations with its potential trans-terminologization and other language process. The author of the article presents functioning particularities of the trance-terminologizationed items in the juridical linguistics terminological system. The process of the trance-terminologization influences the semantic changing of the juridical linguistic metalanguage`s lexical items. The author demonstrates the domination of juridical linguistic meta-language lexical level against other linguistic level, for example, syntactic or phonetics, and makes an attempt of classification of juridical linguistic meta-language terms and terminological combinations. This classification includes the differentiation by lexical level of the units. In addition, the author shows that there is a necessity of adaptation of linguistic, literary, philological terms and terminological combinations to juridical linguistic meta-language because of actualization of their meanings in juridical linguistic meta-language. There is a description of functioning of the “comparison” in juridical linguistic discourse and others. The author proposes her own definition of the term “comparison”, which was adapted to juridical linguistic meta-language.


  • • term
  • • juridical linguistic
  • • metalanguage


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