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The phonetic and morphological peculiarities of the Dargin idioms in comparison: Itzari, Sanzhi and Tanti

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2021. Vol. 10. No. 6. Pp. 442-451.
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Mutalov R. O.
Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Bldg. 1, 1 Bolshoi Kislovsky Lane, 125009 Moscow, Russia


The problem of classification the Dargin languages and dialects that are spread in Central Dagestan (the total number of speakers is about 510 thousands people) remains one of the top issues in the Caucasiology: there is still no generally accepted classification of these idioms nowadays. The complexity of the problem is in the fact that the status of the Dargin idioms remained unsettled for a long period of time: it is not established if they are independent languages or the dialects of the one and the same common language. Earlier they were considered to be the dialects of the one and same common language; but for the last decades the linguists distinguished 17 Dargin languages in their studies based on the methods of lexicostatistics. However, the study of the grammatical level of Dargin idioms shows that the methods of lexicostatistics do not always objectively reveal the differences within closely related idioms. Therefore, in this work, along with the methods of lexicostatistics, grammatical criterion is also used: the main attention is paid to the study of the main phonetic and morphological phenomena. The author of the article compared the data of three Dargin idioms: Itzari, Sanzhi, and Tanti. 15 phenomena of the phonetic system were considered; 12 of them coincide within Tanti and Sanzhi idioms; only two of them within Itzari and Sanzhi ones; and within Itzari and Tanti idioms, no coincidences were found. Of all the 52 studied morphological phenomena, 35 differences and 17 coincidences were found out within Itzari and Sanzhi idioms, 44 differences and 8 coincidences within Tanti and Sanzhi ones, all 52 phenomena differ within Itzari and Tanti ones. It was found out that the phonetic system of the Sanzhi idiom is significantly close to the Tanti idiom; and in terms of the number of coincidences and differences in morphology, it is approximately between the Itzari and Tanti ones. The results of the study can be used as a background not only for forming the final unified classification of the Dargin languages and dialects, but also for general historical and comparative grammar of the Dargin languages.


  • • Caucasian languages
  • • Dargin languages
  • • classification of languages
  • • methods of lexicostatistics
  • • phonology
  • • phonetic processes
  • • morphology
  • • grammatical categories


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