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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

“Naive” folklore studies as a form of manifestation of ordinary metalanguage consciousness (based on the precedent texts of the Russian Germans)

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2020. Vol. 9. No. 5. Pp. 342-351.
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Aleksandrov O. A.
Tomsk State University
36 Lenin Street, 634050 Tomsk, Russia


The article is written in the mainstream of perceptual dialectology, which merges the methodological foundations of classical German dialectology and naive linguistics. The focus of attention is on the elements of the traditional linguoculture of the Russian Germans, which is going through a “shift” by majoritarian language formations. The study is based on the factual base collected by the author of the article in the course of field practices in places of compact residence of the Germans in Tomsk region. For the first time, in the article some properties of the “naive” folklore of the Russian Germans are analyzed, namely, the approaches and techniques used by them as linguistic amateurs in composing songbooks. Intuitive rules for the selection and systematization of information in self-made text collections are considered in this work as implicit manifestations of metalanguage consciousness. Explicit forms of metalinguistic reflection are also generalized - comments that reveal a “sensual” attitude to the text. The study shows that the perceptual motive of folk collecting precedent texts is primarily of a memorial nature. The texts collected and systematized by the Germans perform at the present stage of the development of Russian-German culture more of a symbolic and identifying function than a pragmatic one. The organizational and formal side of the collected samples of folklore studies bears the “imprint” of the cognitive patterns of text interpretation. These patterns are determined by the status ranking of song texts of different genres, i.e. the need to navigate and distinguish between them. The highest value status is attributed to the texts of religious discourse and songs of collective performance, the lowest - songs of solo performance and humorous discourse. Reflection of the interviewed linguistic nonspecialists also extends to the methods of material presentation of samples of oral collective culture - the advantages and disadvantages of writing a text using available means of different linguistic variants are comprehended.


  • • German dialectology
  • • perceptual dialectology
  • • folklore studies
  • • metalinguistic consciousness
  • • text


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