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Current Issue

South-Eastern Policy of Russia in the Middle of the 18th Century in the Light of Orientalist Discourse

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2014. Vol. 3. No. 6. Pp. 496-504.
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Aznabaev B. A.
Institute of History, Language and Literature, Ufa Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences
71 Oktyabrya Ave., 450005 Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia


The correctness of application of orientalist discourse of E. Said to the colonial policy of the Russian Empire is analyzed in the article on the example of P. I. Rychkov research. By studying integration of Bashkirs in the structure of the Russian state, the author came to the conclusion that Russia's policy in the East was based on the experience of the management of non-Russian peoples, which was developed in the 16-17th centuries. The establishment of “cultural distance” is typical only for a small group of educated administrators of past-Petrine era. Most of the officials of the region, as in the preceding period, and during the time of Rychkov and Tatishchev preferred to rely on traditional methods of Bashkir management, which was developed in the period of their voluntary accession. Managerial stereotypes of 16-17th centuries, had significant influence on policy towards South-Eastern peoples of Russia even in the 19th century. The Russian administration inherent in the desire to integrate the non-Russian peoples in the General class structure of the state on the basis of analogies or correspondences, the objective of which was social and cultural rapprochement of the two societies.


  • • orientalism
  • • Russia
  • • Orenburg province
  • • Bashkirs
  • • P. I. Rychkov
  • • integration
  • • colonialism


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