Fedorov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
Aleksandr Fedorov — Doctor of Philology, Professor, full member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, former dean of Philology department of Bashkir State University, former head of Foreign Literature and Art Culture chair, laureate of the scientific grants by the Presidium of Russian Academy of Sciences 1994–1996, Distinguished Worker of Higher Professional Education of Russian Federation, Honored Scientist of Republic of Bashkortostan.
A. A. Fedorov – known expert on problems of development of Western European and Russian literature and culture. The main directions of scientific activity of A. A. Fedorov and his scientific achievements are determined by the study of neglected parts of the literary process in England 19th–20th centuries in connection with the origin and development of new artistic trends, genres and forms, as well as the analysis of ways of interrelation between art forms in transition epoch in culture and history on the material of Western European and Russian literature and art culture.
In the 1990s A. A. Fedorov has studied specific historical and theoretical problems of cultural studies and Philology on the basis of the modern concept of Eurasianism. On this basis has been developed innovative research area at the intersection of cultural studies and Philology — study of regularities of the development of philosophy, aesthetics and artistic creativity in Europe and Russia of 19th–20th centuries in the processes of interaction of Eurasia cultures. Thus, the sphere of scientific interests of A. A. Fedorov includes actual problems of theory of culture and methodology of philological Sciences and Humanities. The developed scientific trend was noted in 1996 in Leading Scientific Schools State Support program. He was granted by Russian Foundation for Basic Research on the topic “Interaction of Cultures and Literary Process in Europe and Russia in the Late 19th — Early 20th Centuries”.
In 2005–2009 Professor A. A. Fedorov headed experts in classic university educational methodology and scientists of Moscow State University and Bashkir State University on project of development of the third generation of state educational standards in 10 directions of Humanities experts training supporting join of Russia to the Bologna process.
A. A. Fedorov is deputy chairman of the Intercollegiate Dissertation Council at N. I. Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University, scientific secretary of Dissertational Council on doctoral theses at the Bashkir State University, member of the Dissertation Council at Krasnodar State University.
A. A. Fedorov has been advising PhD theses and doctoral dissertations. The results of his research work reflected in more than 100 scientific works, including monographs, scientific dictionaries on the theory and history of culture and textbooks.
Main publications:
- Ideological and Aesthetic Aspects of Development of English Prose (80–90s of 19th Century). Sverdlovsk, 1990.Aesthetics and aArtistic Searches in English Prose of the Last Third of the 19th Century, Ufa, 1993.
- Cultural Studies, Relevant Socio-Cultural Aspects. Ufa, 1998.
- The History of World Art and Culture from Ancient world to 17th Century. In 2 Parts. Ufa, 2002.
- Introduction to the Theory and History of Culture. Dictionary. Ufa: Gilem, 2003.
- Introduction to the Theory and History of Culture. Dictionary. Revised Edition. Moscow: Nauka-Flinta, 2005.