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Current Issue

Peculiarities of the early works of Nabira Gimatdinova

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2024. Vol. 13. No. 1. Pp. 52-58.
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Shamseeva G. Kh.
Kazan Law Institute of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs
35 Magistralnaya Street, 420108 Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia
Kuvanova I. Kh.
Tatar gymnasium No. 1 named after Gabdulla Tukay
34 A Majit Gafuri Street, 420108 Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia


The article contains the work of the Tatar writer, our contemporary, master of psychological portrait Nabira Gimatdinova. Her early works “Fire Butterfly” (“Ut kubalage”), “At the Villages of the Witch” (“Pari Utarynda”) and some others were studied. Particular attention is paid to the description of the internal monologue of the main characters, their interaction, and attitude. An attempt is made to control the psychological portrait of the heroes. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the topic, innovative for the end of the twentieth century - otherworldly forces, mythical characters. In the works of N. Gimatdinova, natural phenomena play a special role, they do not go in the background, perhaps they are independent heroes. The author of the article provides a skillful analysis of several works by Nabira Gimattnova, in which a certain pattern can be traced. The main characters of the works are lonely, abandoned women who want to be loved, but due to high moral ideals, they remain true to themselves and their ethical principles. Nabira Gimatdinova acts as a subtle psychologist - through the internal experiences of the characters, natural phenomena, she shows us the constant internal experiences of the main characters, their struggle with themselves and with the external aggressive world, which is often vicious, greedy and cruel. The author subtly describes the vicissitudes of women’s souls and keeps the reader in suspense throughout the entire storyline.


  • • Tatar literature
  • • late twentieth century
  • • work of N. Gimatdinova
  • • psychological portrait of characters
  • • originality of the writer
  • • mythical characters


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