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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

Formation of critical thinking skills in the process of implementing a competence-based approach

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2024. Vol. 13. No. 1. Pp. 23-33.
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Chikileva L. S.
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
49 Leningradsky Avenue, GSP-3, 125993 Moscow, Russia
Efimova I. A.
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
49 Leningradsky Avenue, GSP-3, 125993 Moscow, Russia


The situation in which modern vocational education finds itself dictates its own rules. It is common knowledge that over the past three years the “swing” of requirements for graduates has baffled not only the teaching staff, but also the graduates. A silent question in the eyes of students “What will happen next? Is all this relevant?” determined the vector of reasoning in this article. According to world practice, there is a way to rise above the problem and bring the level of graduates to a proper professional level with an adequate personal position and degree of competency formation. The authors of the article conducted a thorough analysis of the current situation. It turned out that the theoretical question had already been raised several decades before its apogee. However, some facets remain that require careful consideration in order to avoid confusion and ambiguity. It is necessary to develop innovative teaching methods that can contribute to the development of critical thinking from the earliest stages of education. It also requires the collaboration of interdisciplinary teams of teachers and researchers to create an educational environment. This article will consider the prerequisites for the formation of critical thinking skills in order to achieve the goals of the competency-based approach. In this study the question is raised how to organize the process of educating harmoniously developed professionals, who will be able to realize their professional potential in a frequently changing world.


  • • critical thinking
  • • professionally oriented education
  • • competence approach
  • • harmoniously developed personality
  • • professional communication


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