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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

The sacred and philosophical significance of light in the cult and civil architecture of the Ancient World and the Middle Ages

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2023. Vol. 12. No. 5. Pp. 304-322.
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Soloviev K. A.
National Research University Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
26 Yaroslavl Highway, 129337 Moscow, Russia
Solovyov A. K.
National Research University Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
26 Yaroslavl Highway, 129337 Moscow, Russia


The history of the development of human civilization shows us how the use of natural lighting could influence the development of world architecture. In the article, the authors tried to show how in different eras natural light influenced not only civil architecture, but also how light became an important sacred component of the cult architecture of Ancient Egypt, Greece, the Etruscans, ancient Rome and ending with Christian and Islamic architecture. The article examines the influence of natural light on architecture throughout history, defines the relationship between philosophical aspects, religion and worldviews in certain historical periods and architectural techniques using natural lighting.


  • • natural lighting
  • • artistic application of natural lighting in architecture
  • • light and architectural monuments
  • • atrium and peristyle
  • • oculus
  • • lucarna windows
  • • light and cult architecture


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