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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

Social control and tolerance as a moral value. The problem of rehabilitation

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2023. Vol. 12. No. 4. Pp. 212-220.
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Pisachkina Ya. S.
Polytechnic College No. 47 named after V. G. Fedorov
Bldg. 3, 112 Volokolamskoe Road, 125371 Moscow, Russia


The article deals with the actual problems of social control in the aspect of tolerance. Social sciences create schemes of activity that reproduce social existence at the levels of macro and micro factors. Social control is a multidimensional and universal phenomenon, which is a mechanism marking the application of value orientations and norms in the regulation of people’s relationships, their behavior and activities. The functions of social control are implemented in the harmonization and rehabilitation of public space, the elements of which are civil society, the state, regions, national and ethnic management entities, corporations, labor associations. Social control is an effective, powerful and real force of modern society. However, the fundamental difference between force and violence is based on those changes in the meanings of the “social field” in the space of humanitarian culture that are characteristic of the last century of the history of the planet, the world centers of civilization and peoples who got rid of the colonial yoke, interventions and violence in achieving of successful social practice. In modern society, the concept of social control has been developed and applied in various spheres of public life and special professional practices. One of the actual directions of functioning of social control is the problem of tolerance.


  • • social control
  • • axiology
  • • tolerance
  • • humanitarian culture
  • • freedom
  • • responsibility
  • • duty
  • • competence
  • • social representations


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