Neologisms as markers of evolutionary trends in the English language lexical system
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2023. Vol. 12. No. 1. Pp. 57-65.
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The authors of the article trace the changes that have occurred in the vocabulary of the English language since the beginning of 2020 due to the emergence of a large number of new lexemes. New words that quickly became widely used and were included in well-known dictionaries have been selected as the material for this research. Some of these words were marked by leading publishers as fashionable words or recognized as symbolic words of the year. The authors provide a broad interpretation of the concept of neologism and consider the main factors for determining the novelty of lexical units. The neologisms selected for the study include neolexemes, neophrasems, neosemes, abbreviations and acronyms. The results of the study identify the most relevant trends in the development of the English language lexical system, name the types of discourses, in which the appearance of a large number of popular neologisms has been noted, and describe some productive word-formation models. The analysis of frequently used neologisms included in the leading English dictionaries in recent years and declared the words of the year proves that due to the emergence of new words in the course of language evolution the process of lexical enrichment takes place continuously. The language instantly reacts to everything that happens in society, new words mirror changing conditions, events and phenomena; therefore, understanding of living history is impossible without active immersion in the information environment and without understanding of the current tendencies in the language itself. The authors believe that tracking linguistic processes, in particular evolutionary trends in the lexical system, contributes to a better understanding of the values that prevail in modern society.
- • language evolution
- • lexical composition
- • words of the year
- • neologism
- • new words
- • acronym
- • abbreviation
- • neosememe
- • neolexeme
- • neophraseme
- • word-formation models
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