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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

Digital anthropology: theoretical foundation and search for new human models

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2023. Vol. 12. No. 1. Pp. 19-28.
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Ravochkin N. N.
Kuzbass State Technical University named after T. F. Gorbachev; Kuzbass State Agricultural Academy
28 Vesennyaya Street, 650060 Kemerovo, Russia; 5 Markovtsev Street, 650056 Kemerovo, Russia


The complication of the modern world occurs under the influence of numerous factors, the leading place among which is occupied by the achievements of science and technology. It is self-evident that the ongoing changes are also closely related to the human being, which acquires additional properties. The emergence of virtual and augmented reality constitutes a number of new issues associated with the human problem, which forms digital anthropology as a whole research field. Fluctuations in social development imply the desire of the social system to achieve an equilibrium state, which implies the need for society to adapt as an open system to external conditions. Thus, fluctuation as a way of existence of a social being, including an institution, implies the permanent adaptation to the rapidly changing conditions of the world order and forms of coexistence. The ambiguity of the trends of the ongoing transformations should be emphasized. Undoubtedly, the first of them consists in the use of technical and technological achievements, which makes it possible to implement the network principle of organizing and structuring the social environment. Thus, intersubjective relations are formed in conditions of information overload, which radically changed the adaptation to the actual conditions of social life. As a result, and taking into account non-linear dynamics, the vast majority of social groups face a kind of “mix” of the most diverse tasks. This article is devoted to the analysis of the theoretical basis of digital anthropology and the possibilities of building new human models. However, despite some commonality of the impact of digitalization on the modern world, its manifestations will always be contextually determined, and new versions of a person will be implemented sometimes in very contrasting ways, deviating significantly from each other.


  • • digital anthropology
  • • human
  • • society
  • • virtual community
  • • transformation


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