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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

Intelligentsia in national history: on the 100th anniversary of the “philosophical steamship”: Part III: Intelligentsia - apophatic perspective: what not to do

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2022. Vol. 11. No. 6. Pp. 403-419.
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Ilyin V. V.
Kaluga Branch of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University (national research University)
2 Bazhenov Street, 248000 Kaluga, Kaluga region, Russia
Biryukova E. A.
Kaluga Branch of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University (national research University)
2 Bazhenov Street, 248000 Kaluga, Kaluga region, Russia
Sapegina O. P.
Kaluga Branch of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University (national research University)
2 Bazhenov Street, 248000 Kaluga, Kaluga region, Russia
Shaura E. C.
Kaluga Branch of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University (national research University)
2 Bazhenov Street, 248000 Kaluga, Kaluga region, Russia
Shafigullina T. V.
Kaluga Branch of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University (national research University)
2 Bazhenov Street, 248000 Kaluga, Kaluga region, Russia


Continuing the substantive discussion of the articles opened in previous issues of the journal about the role of the intelligentsia in Russian society, the authors draw attention to the traditional plot for such productions: which inheritance should be abandoned. Against a broad socio-historical, political and civil background, the illegality of the characteristic “predilections” of the reflecting public is demonstrated, transmitted by a tendency to sins, detached dreams, one-time romance, lack of efficiency, unwillingness to positive action. In a natural manner, the sanitizing prospect of a transition to a “living cause” is indicated, canceling the dominance of inertia, disinterest, stagnation.


  • • intelligentsia
  • • government
  • • people
  • • on the way to symbiosis


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