Idioethnic in paremias of the concept “holiday” of the Yakut, Kazakh, Turkish and Arabic languages
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2022. Vol. 11. No. 2. Pp. 113-120.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: tolkyn_zam@mail.ruAbstract
Paremias as ethno-culturally marked language units are actively used by linguoculturologists, linguocognitologists, comparative scientists to identify the features of the conceptualization of the surrounding world by speakers of related and unrelated languages. The aim of the study is to describe the semantic structure of the concept “holiday”, to analyze the features of proverbs with the idioethnic component of the concept “holiday” in the framework of a comparative analysis. The research material was paremiological units selected by continuous sampling from collections of proverbs and sayings, monolingual and bilingual dictionaries. The selection criterion was the presence of the lexical unit “holiday” in the proverbs of the languages under consideration. The main method is inductive-deductive. The authors of the study used the methods of component and distributional analysis and the method of comparative description, which make it possible to identify universal and idioethnic features in the structure and semantics of paremias of the languages under consideration. During the analysis of paremiological units, the semantic features of the concept “holiday” were identified, common parallels and idioethnic features in the interpretation of this concept in the linguistic picture of the world of the cultures under consideration were identified. Paremias of all peoples of the world reflect various kinds of basic life situations, have both a common and similar logical content, as well as religious, national and cultural characteristics. In the Yakut linguistic picture of the world, “holiday” is associated with the concepts of “happiness”, “luck”, “large crowd of people” or may contain negative semantics. In the Kazakh worldview, the concept of “holiday” is mostly associated with a large crowd of people, abundance of food, and laziness. In the Turkish linguistic picture of the world, the concept of “holiday” has common parallels with the concept of “happiness”; specific religious holidays are mentioned, in a negative connotation it is associated with laziness. The paremiological units studied in this work are structurally integral sentences and phrases.
- • concept
- • holiday
- • idioethnic
- • semantics
- • Yakut proverbs
- • Kazakh proverbs
- • Turkish proverbs
- • Arabic proverbs
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