Review of the book “Metaphilosophy. Poetics of philosophy: a monograph” by V. V. Ilyin. Ilyin V. V. Metaphilosophy. Poetics of philosophy: a monograph. - Moscow: Prospekt, 2021. 160 p. ISBN 978-5-392-34141-2
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2021. Vol. 10. No. 3. Pp. 207-222.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: pisachkin@yandex.ruAbstract
In the monograph, two main problems are considered. The first one is a liberation of a living, soul-searching philosophy from the heavy legacy of the past (from the burden of vulgar sociologism, vicious ideologization, indocrination of spiritual creativity) on the way to the open space, inspired only by the professional concern of search. The second one is the author’s search for clarifying the principles of philosophizing as a historical contextual and supra-contextual productive activity, in which the critique of philosophical reason appears in the qualities of metaphilosophy, the theory of the philosophical process and the poetics of philosophy. They clearly express the “intimate flow of philosophizing”. The poetics of philosophy is presented as a “purely philosophical” and even a “metaphilosophical” discipline. The scope of its specific objectivity is determined by the instrumental and symbolic nature of the processing of “the estema and noema resources”. Literature revels in the “estema”, the “verbal elegance”, the beauty of the word, where the “logos” appears to be a “saying”. For philosophy, the “logos” expresses a reference point, the objective “azimuth” of which is the “idea”. The poetics of philosophy is specific in its intentions: it is normative in the “deontological aspiration”, but not so much in terms of the “preservation of the ideals”, as in terms of motivation, in the aspect of their constructiveness and cultivation. Philosophy is a powerful inducer of raising the spirits: it appeals to the power of the truth and addresses itself to people with the justification of the meaning as some “facts of life” associated with asceticism and preaching.
- • poetics
- • metaphilosophy
- • estema
- • noema
- • episteme
- • badland
- • goodland
- • political texture
- • architecture of philosophizing
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