Specialized English-Russian online dictionary of the term sphere “higher education” in the globalization era: the content and technologies for the implementing
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2021. Vol. 10. No. 3. Pp. 197-206.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: renata89373319690@gmail.com Abstract
The scientific paper is aimed at the translation adequacy comprehensive study of the “higher education” terms in the English and Russian languages within the global education area. The research results are introduced in a specialized online resource, namely, an online dictionary of the “higher education” terms functioning in the Russian and English languages. We mean the implemented unique English-Russian online dictionary of “higher education” terms in Russia, the post-Soviet countries and Europe. (UNIdictionary, hereinafter referred to as the online dictionary) (www.uni-dict.com). The relevance of the research is determined by a number of non-linguistic (social, economic, cultural) and linguistic factors. At present, the higher education development is characterized by intensive globalization and the university integration into the global educational space is one of the main conditions for its effective work. It is terminology that ensures the university functioning under new conditions. However, due to the Bologna process, the system of training specialists has been modernized in recent years and this terminology system has undergone significant changes, replenished with a number of new words and expressions. A review of bilingual and multilingual dictionaries (both printed and virtual) showed that none of them includes any systematized data on higher education terms. Thus, until now there has been no systematized multilingual lexicographic source of the thesaurus type (including digital ones) of “higher education” terms. This fact significantly complicates the work of translators, administrative and managerial personnel of universities involved in the process of integrating universities into the global academic space, it also challenges teachers, students and graduate students interested in academic mobility, diplomas comparability and employment in different countries of the world. This study is new to analyze and implement the methodological foundations of trilingual translation of “higher education” terms in the globalization era.
- • English language
- • Russian language
- • translation
- • term
- • translation multiplicity
- • culturally marked language unit
- • globalization
- • online dictionary
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