Manipulative tactics and methods in the speech behavior of German Chancellor A. Merkel in migration discourse (based on the material of the texts of political interviews)
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2021. Vol. 10. No. 2. Pp. 121-130.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: inshetschik_anna@mail.ruAbstract
The author of the paper studies the peculiarities of the speech behavior of the linguistic personality of the political leader Angela Merkel in migration discourse as exemplified by the material of political interviews within the framework of promising scientific areas: linguo-political personology and personological genistics. The significance of the study is based on the increased interest of scientists in migration discourse in the context of the largest and most challenging migration surge that Europe has faced since World War II, as well as the special attention of philologists to the problem of studying linguistic manipulation as one of the main tools in the struggle for power and the most effective method for social regulation. As a result of the conducted research, the following manipulative communicative tactics of the linguistic personality of the German Chancellor and the methods of their realization were identified: tactic of emotional manipulation; tactic of manipulative representation of information; tactic of demagogy; method of awakening feelings of guilt, fear, and pity; method of presentation of desired as real; impact on vanity; unfounded statements; disorientation; distracting attention from the main problem; belittling the opponent’s political power; using implicit information; avoiding question by counter-question; avoiding question by changing the subject.
- • migration discourse
- • migration linguistics
- • linguo-political personology
- • personological genristics
- • interview
- • manipulation
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