Conceptual sphere “woman” in the Russian and Kazakh languages (based on the material of proverbs)
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2020. Vol. 9. No. 6. Pp. 425-433.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: zoya_75@mail.ruAbstract
The aim of the work is a systematic description of the language tools of the Russian and Kazakh languages that represent the concept of “woman”, the identification of the national specifics of the language objectification of this concept in Russian and Kazakh language consciousness, and a description of the national specificity of the studied concepts. The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the growing trend of anthropocentrism in Russian linguistics. The following methods were used in the work: the linguo-cognitive method (description of cognitive structures through the analysis of linguistic means of their objectification), descriptive method, method of quantitative analysis of language material, comparative method, methods of observation and generalization. As a result, the author comes to the conclusion about the similarity of the conceptual sphere of “woman” in the Russian and Kazakh languages. The coincidence of conceptual spheres is found in the social, physical, and personal aspects of semantics, which reflect both positive and negative characteristics of women. The difference in conceptual spheres is explained by the fact that in the Kazakh language there are more proverbs that represent the social role of women in society, as well as proverbs that reflect the external attractiveness of women. In both languages, in the proverbial fund, a large place is given to motherhood as the main socio-biological function of a woman. Differences in the representation of the concept of “woman” in Russian and Kazakh proverbs reflect the specifics of the national and cultural worldview of representatives of two different linguistic worldviews.
- • woman
- • mother
- • Russian language
- • Kazakh language
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