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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

Subcultural trends in the information technologies epoch (on the example of steampunk)

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2020. Vol. 9. No. 2. Pp. 104-114.
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Volkov S. N.
Penza State Technological University
1a Baidukov Drive / 11 Gagarin Street, 440039 Penza, Russia


The article discusses the formation of subcultural movements in the era of the dominance of information technology. The sociocultural environment for representatives of different generations provides distinct opportunities for self-determination. It should be noted that for young people brought up in the post-perestroika period, information telecommunications is the norm. Media image of the screen has formed a steady consumer demand for the use of all possible information services and technological forms of the IT sphere. According to the views of developers of generational theory Neil Howe and William Strauss, for representatives of the generation defined as Baby Boomers (born 1943-1963), as well as generation X (born 1963-1983), the perception of informational innovations is in most cases difficult and alien. In this regard, the article emphasizes the idea of the need for a sufficiently large number of elderly people to form their own world, which in the psychological sense is the “outlet” of being without simulacra and virtuality. One of the possible options for such a world is the fantastic world of steampunk. It is emphasized that youth representatives are also passionate about this trend. The article considers steampunk culture as a way of opposing the modern world, where the computer and the screen dominate. In an existential sense, the creation of one’s own world, where power belongs to gear mechanisms, steam engines, the progress of mechanics and aerodynamics, is an alienation from the sociocultural reality of the modern world. Against this background, escapism manifests itself as an escape from reality and nihilism, as a denial of the spiritual foundations of the new world. The author formulates the positions associated with the emergence of a sense of existential freedom among representatives of the culture of steampunk. In conclusion, conclusions are drawn about the need for a doctrine that recognizes the correctness of this movement and justifies the concept of development not only of steampunk, but also of the science-fiction directions related to it, which formed the subcultures.


  • • information society
  • • steampunk
  • • subculture
  • • existence
  • • escapism
  • • nihilism
  • • sociocultural phenomenon
  • • psychologism


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