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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

The declension and case system in the Kadar language

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2019. Vol. 8. No. 5. Pp. 343-351.
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Mutalov R. O.
Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Bldg. 1, 1 Bolshoi Kislovsky Lane, 125009 Moscow, Russia
Bagamaeva M. S.
Dagestan State University
43-a M. Gadzhieva Street, 367000 Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan, Russia


The article deals with the case system of the Kadar language belonging to the Dargin branch of the Nakh-Dagestanian languages. The problems of marking grammatical and local cases, the categories of localization and orientation are studied; the main functions of the cases such as the non-locative meanings of the locative forms are given. On the basis of a comparison of the declension system and the case system of the Kadar language with the material of the Akushin and other Dargin idioms, the peculiarities of the language under study are revealed. As a result of the study, it was founded that there are significantly fewer cases in the Kadar language than in the other Dargin idioms, both grammatical and local. In total, there are six grammatical cases in the language: absolute, ergative, genitive, dative, commitative, and subjective. They are formed of the direct and indirect basis forms of nouns. In the Kadar language there are no subjective and adverbial forms. The number of local cases in the Kadar language is also significantly less than in other idioms: the localization category can be expressed by the meanings of superlative, inlative, and adlative. Orientation category can also be expressed by three meanings: lative, allative, and elative. In the Kadar language there are no forms of sublative, postlative, antilative, essive; there is also no direction category in this language. The study reveals that in the course of historical development the case system of the Kadar language endured various changes, as a result of which one form of case combines the meanings of several cases, and the meanings of a various number of other cases are expressed by means of postpositions.


  • • Dargin languages
  • • Kadar language
  • • morphology
  • • actants
  • • case system
  • • locative forms


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