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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

Features of the speech influence in advertising of the lifestyle magazines

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2019. Vol. 8. No. 3. Pp. 221-232.
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Atyaksheva D. A.
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
6 Mikloukho-Maclay Street, 117198 Moscow, Russia


The article is devoted to the study of the speech influence in advertising of women’s lifestyle magazines on the example of the Cosmopolitan and Vogue. The importance of advertising in modern society determines the relevance of the work. The commercial orientation of advertising determines the communicative task of texts, which consists of transmitting cognitive, emotional, aesthetic, and implicit information for the addressee. To attract and hold the addressee’s attention, to facilitate the memorization of the advertising text, various linguistic and stylistic methods of the language are often used (metaphor, alliteration, detachment, etc.). The communicative task also implies the active use of manipulative techniques by the creators of advertising texts in order to induce the addressee to purchase a specific product. In women’s magazines, the ideal lifestyle is formed; the advertised goods correspond to it. Cosmopolitan and Vogue are dominated by advertisements for cosmetics, perfumes, jewelry, branded clothing, and accessories. The importance of maintaining an attractive appearance for women is emphasized. The author concludes that advertising in lifestyle magazines is created by using typical manipulative techniques and various linguistic and stylistic means of the English language. Its effectiveness is mainly related to the specifics of the target audience, as well as the general style of the magazine. Various communication strategies and tactics are used to facilitate the understanding of the text, the impact on the mind and emotions, and the urge to purchase goods. The specific techniques of speech influence aimed at a female audience were pointed out. It is important to pay attention to the national specifics while translating advertising texts.


  • • advertising
  • • lifestyle magazines
  • • speech influence
  • • manipulation


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