Representation of the traditional family relations between brothers and sisters in the Russian and Chinese language pictures of the world (on the material of proverbs and sayings)
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2018. Vol. 7. No. 4. Pp. 305-311.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: gpt2016@mail.ruAbstract
The article is devoted to comparative analysis of the traditional family relations between siblings in the Russian and Chinese language pictures of the world. The Russian and Chinese proverbs and sayings reveal the similar linguocultural stereotypes: brotherly love, brotherhood, principle of precedence, relatively independent monetary relations and inharmonious relations between brothers and sisters. However, they also detect the unique national historical and cultural roots of the relations between brothers and sisters. In the Russian language picture of the world, these relationship stereotypes are associated with ancient Russian history, religion, the life experience and marriage custom of the Russian people. However, in the Chinese language consciousness, they are closely related to the national psychology, the family consciousness, the family tradition “love to the younger brother and respect for the older brother”, which was established in Confucianism. In modern Russian family, these close relations between brothers and sisters are maintained by parents and the older generation. In the Chinese family, the close relations between brothers and sisters are stable phenomenon of traditional mentality.
- • tradition
- • family relations
- • brother
- • sister
- • brotherhood
- • precedence
- • language picture of the world
- • stereotype
- • proverb
- • saying
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