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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

Challenges and opportunities of the digital age: the sociocultural aspect

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2018. Vol. 7. No. 3. Pp. 217-222.
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Lisenkova A. A.
Perm State Institute of Culture
18 Gazety “Zvezda” Street, 614000 Perm, Russia


The article is focused on the processes of digitalization taking place in modern society, their impact on the value-semantic content of culture. The program approach to the development of digital society in Russia with the justification of the need for constant humanitarian expertise of these phenomena is analyzed. The author reveals the peculiarities and specific features of digital technologies affecting all aspects of human life, changing ones habits, ways of communication, socialization, and identification, influencing language practices and transforming the entire value-semantic paradigm of modern society. Sociocultural challenges generated by the development and introduction of new digital technologies (such as openness, change of consumer habits, the emergence of network multiculturalism, interaction with artificial intelligence, change of language practices and formats of intercultural communication) impose new requirements on the competencies of the modern human and bring to the forefront ones ability to find innovative solutions in a multitasking, nonlinearity, and infinity of information. The most significant properties of a person are skills of working with different platforms, formats and big data, ability to separate necessary, multichannel perception and translation of information. All these processes require further analysis and inclusion in the scientific discourse of the humanitarian sphere; digitalization can serve as a General methodological basis in this regard. The basis for the creation of a new interdisciplinary approach integrating the humanities and natural sciences knowledge and forming a methodological base for super-sectoral study of these processes.


  • • digitalization
  • • value-semantic basis
  • • culture
  • • new competencies
  • • virtualization
  • • new technology
  • • identification
  • • expertise
  • • human expertise


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