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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

Geography of sacral loci of socio-cultural landscapes in a polyethnic region (on the example of the Simbirsk-Ulyanovsk area of the Volga region)

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2018. Vol. 7. No. 3. Pp. 207-216.
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Aksenova M. Yu.
Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University
4 Lenin Square, 432071 Ulyanovsk, Russia
Fedorov V. N.
Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University
4 Lenin Square, 432071 Ulyanovsk, Russia
Idiatullov A. K.
Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University
4 Lenin Square, 432071 Ulyanovsk, Russia


The socio-cultural landscape demonstrates the evolution of human society. It is substantially adjusted by the influence of environmental factors, as well as socio-economic, cultural, and other processes. The socio-cultural landscape is a complex system of interrelated components, the sacral loci, which form the spatial framework of a regional society. It seems that the characteristic feature of the formation of such loci at the level of rural settlements and individual municipalities is their differentiation in terms of the totality of -natural, historical-cultural, socio-economic, institutional, and other features. The sacral loci of socio-cultural landscapes are a conditionally continuous series reflecting all aspects of the region’s historical development. The article contains the results of the study of sacral loci in the context of the evolution of complex systems within the boundaries of rural areas. The authors of the article have determined the development cycle inherent in these areas and typical forms of their spatial-functional organization. In previous centuries, the geography of sacred loci of Karsunsky district of Ulyanovsk region passed a full cycle of development: growth, stabilization, decline, renewal with subsequent growth and the beginning of stagnation. Hence, despite the popular opinion that the Simbirsk-Ulyanovsk area of the Volga region belongs to the “red belt”, in this region one of the first socio-cultural landscapes of the new formation was formed.


  • • socio-cultural landscape
  • • sacral locus
  • • natural and cultural complex
  • • rural society


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