Crime and punishment in semantics of idioms (on the material of the English language)
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2018. Vol. 7. No. 2. Pp. 162-170.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: mase2003@mail.ruAbstract
The author of the article analyses semantics of the English idioms representing the concepts of crime and punishment. In the inner form and actual meaning of idioms, the image of crime as a violation, types of crimes, punishment as an action for misconduct, types of punishment were imprinted. Crime is projected through the prism of evidence, presence of witnesses, and recognition of guilt as the factor promoting mitigation of punishment. Punishment is associated with stopping of illegal acts, as an indicative example, a mistake in case of unfair charge; punishment can be severe (under the law, not under the law), and idioms describing “assistance to investigation” highlight three concepts at the same time: treachery (giving away accomplices), motive (own benefit) - mitigation of punishment, and help to justice. The corpus data reveal the semantic properties of idioms in contexts, the specificity of meanings that are not fixed in dictionaries, syntactic compatibility.
- • crime and punishment
- • image component
- • meaning of idioms
- • context
- • corpus approach
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