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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
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Formation of human resources of the Tatar ASSR in the system of State labor reserves during the Great Patriotic War

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2018. Vol. 7. No. 2. Pp. 171-180.
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Kabirova A. Sh.
Institute of History named after Sh. Mardzhani, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan
5th entrance, Kremlin, 420014 Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia


The author of the article studies the issues of professional training and organization of daily life of students in the system of State labor reserves of the Tatar ASSR during the Great Patriotic War. It is noted that in connection with the need to resolve the personnel problem that has become sharply aggravated since the beginning of the war, the network of craft, railway, and factory schools in the republic has increased noticeably. On the basis of a diverse range of sources, primarily archival documents and oral reports, the material, housing, and social conditions of future production workers are characterized. An important role of educational institutions in the education of teaching staff is revealed. It is known that the young workers considered valiant labor in the name of Victory as a matter of honor. A striking confirmation of this was the production successes achieved by them. Although, according to sources, individual cases of desertion during the war years from the labor front also happened. In their free time from work and study, students took part in various activities to help the front: they collected money for production of military equipment and warm clothes for the Red Army soldiers, and helped the wounded in hospitals. In general, the task of setting the system of state labor reserves of the Tatarstan to prepare and train a new working replenishment for the industrial sphere was fulfilled. Students of factory-and-work schools made a significant contribution to the Victory.


  • • labor reserves
  • • Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic
  • • Great Patriotic War
  • • industry
  • • production
  • • human resources
  • • vocational school
  • • railway school
  • • school of factory training


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