Values as synergetic determinants of cultural-historical process: philosophical and anthropological aspect of the problem
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2017. Vol. 6. No. 6. Pp. 494-504.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: suhina_igor@mail.ruAbstract
In the article, the analysis and philosophical explication of a phenomenon of values as synergetic determinants of culture and cultural-historical process, which is culturogenic development of the person and of his subjective being in socio-cultural space and historical time, is presented. The analysis is carried out on the basis of complex methodology having the synergetic approach as its main part. According to it, the semantic interpretation of a phenomenon of values and axiological understanding of culture as the system, which is self-organized on the basis of values, and human history as the cultural-historical process positioning and approving human being in the world, are offered and proved. The human history is considered as a cultural artifact embodying evolutions and changes of conditions of the culturogenic attitude of the person towards reality. It is offered to consider axiology, the philosophical theory of values as the humanitarian doctrine about value development, assimilation of available reality by the person-subject. The modern importance and relevance of an axiology, which during the era of globalization of cultural-historical process becomes area of knowledge connected with definition of reference points and priorities of existence and development of the modern world, is noted.
- • value
- • meaning
- • value relation
- • person
- • consciousness
- • human being
- • culture
- • culture-creative activity
- • cultural-historical process
- • historical dynamics
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