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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

A female saint in Anglo-Saxon poetic tradition: stylistic and linguocultural peculiarities of the image

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2017. Vol. 6. No. 4. Pp. 312-321.
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Tomberg O. V.
Ural Federal University
19 Mira Street, 620002 Yekaterinburg, Russia


The article devoted to the study of an artistic image of female saint from stylistic and linguocultural perspectives. The image is represented by the characters of Judith and Juliana in Anglo-Saxon literature. Stylistic peculiarities of the image are result of the fact that it emerges as a combination of heroic and religious genres. Thus, two genre pictures of the world account for characteristics of the image: on the one hand, it is described by epithets relating to the sphere of divinity, on the other, by lexis relating to military heroism. As a result, Anglo-saxon female saint stands out among other female images by a considerable degree of activity, which is manifested at all levels of analysis. Female saints are connotated positively and described as “bright”, “wise”, and “brave”. A category binding the image and a sphere of culture is a notion of value, which is reflected in a linguocultural concept. Study ofconceptual space of female saints contributes to reconstructing values and anti-values of the Anglo-Saxon period. An interaction of heroic and religious pictures of the world account for a specific character of an image of the saint in Old English literature, namely the co-existence of concepts typical of these conceptual outlooks. On the one hand, God-related concepts: God, love, glory, on the other, such heroic concepts as strength, bravery, dignity. Anti-values within the image are associated with the macroconcept “devil” and devil-related concepts like death and feud.


  • • artistic image
  • • character
  • • female saint
  • • Old English literature
  • • stylistic peculiarities
  • • value
  • • anti-value


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