Methodological aspects of ethno-linguistic studies of toponymic systems of Ural-Volga region (ethno-ontological comprehension)
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2016. Vol. 5. No. 6. Pp. 611-621.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: zubarzhas@yandex.ruAbstract
According to the priority the modern anthropocentric direction, as well as the fact that the ontological existence of toponymic system merges with its mental existence, the consideration of the Bashkir toponymy from the standpoint of cognitive linguistics in the aspect of representation by toponymic system of toponymic identity and mental structures of a native speaker becomes inevitable. In connection with the goal and objectives of the work. certain methodological framework is settled that determines the classification of generalizing the results, as well as possessing heuristic power, while allowing, on the one hand, to discover new aspects in the framework of the study subjects, on the other, establishing the new semantic links between previously known lexical units. It is proved that the Bashkir toponymic system should be considered as an organized fragment of a language picture of the world. It is stated that the ethno-linguistic study of toponymy Bashkir Ural-Volga region within ethno-ontological, interpretation to date still remains poorly known horizon of onomastics (especially toponymic) science. The article deals with the disclosure of the mentioned problems that are analyzed: ideographic classification as a framework of the cognitive process, cognitive approach to language etc.
- • toponymic system
- • cognition
- • cognitive approach
- • ideographic characteristic phenomenon ethno-ontological comprehension
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