Semantics of inexpressible in “The seven who were hanged” by L. Andreev
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2016. Vol. 5. No. 6. Pp. 573-579.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: marinamikhailova44@gmail.comAbstract
The article is devoted to the functional-semantic category of inexpressible; its brief characteristics, the history of research in different countries and different sciences are given, the hierarchical organization of means of its expression is shown. The author of the article defines the specifics of the semantics of inexpressible in the story “The Seven Who Were Hanged” by L. Andreev. The semantics of inexpressible is described as the functional-semantic category . The description of the analytical and synthetic multi-level transmission means of semantics of inexpressible is given: one-word, as part of indivisible combinations and in the word combinations that represent descriptive parts. Four significant results of studying the existence of elements of inexpressible in the analyzed novel have been defined . It was revealed that Andreev’s five of seven characters were marked with the markers of inexpressible. The following text function means of transmitting semantics of inexpressible were identified and characterized: characterological, actualization of content-conceptual information, actualization of means of expression, in particular, the antithesis; it was shown that this lexeme also actualizes the content-conceptual information and the antithesis of life and death in an art space story, is also a symbol of cross-cutting story. the interaction of semantics of inexpressible with the lexeme indicating the world of otherness - the unknown - was also revealed . The hypothesis is proved that the actualization of means of transmitting of semantics of inexpressible is due to the tasks posed in the story revealing the most important challenges of human’s life purpose, the interaction of life and death.
- • semantics of inexpressible
- • functional-semantic category
- • the antithesis
- • world of otherness
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