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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

Decembrist N. I. Turgenev in Russian historiography

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2016. Vol. 5. No. 5. Pp. 499-506.
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Narezhny A. I.
Southern Federal University
33 Sadovaya St. 344000 Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Pyatikova M. V.
Southern Federal University
33 Sadovaya St. 344000 Rostov-on-Don, Russia


The article is devoted to the well-known Russian public figure and philosopher N. I. Turgenev. For public his name is known primarily as one of the participants in the movement of the Decembrists. However, the scope of its activity is much wider. N. I. Turgenev’s personality insufficiently assessed and covered in Russian historiography. The authors reviewed the pre-revolutionary, Soviet and contemporary works of local scholars on the N. I. Turgenev. On the basis of the analysis of the key works of pre-revolutionary historiography, it is stated that the main approaches to the study of the contribution of N. I. Turgenev in Russian social thought, an assessment of his views on the peasant question were formed during this period. The authors of the article connect the reduction of interest to Turgenev personality in Soviet historiography with his liberal views and aspirations. This fact was not compatible with the official way of the Decembrists created by Soviet historians. The authors note the increased interest to the personality of N. I. Turgenev in the post-Soviet historiography. It is explained in part by increase of the interest to the general problems of society and the development of the Russian state in the nineteenth century, as well as the history of the Decembrist movement. The authors paid attention to the Lotman concept of a special type of behavior characterizing representatives of aristocratic intellectuals. The authors also consider the views of historian V. S. Parsamov on the influence of the French public opinion on the formation of the N. I. Turgenev’s liberal concept. Overall, the authors conclude that, despite the fact that the life and work of N. I. Turgenev largely studied, his findings and assessments on the state of Russian society of the nineteenth century, the factors and the degree of influence on the representatives of the liberation movement in Russia of European political theory, and experience of reforms are not reviewed and require further analysis.


  • • Decembrists
  • • Turgenev
  • • public opinion
  • • political project of modernization of Russia
  • • peasant question
  • • liberal concept
  • • Union of Welfare
  • • Northern Society


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