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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

The great “something”

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2016. Vol. 5. No. 4. Pp. 376-384.
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Mikhailova M. Yu.
Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education
65/67 M. Gorky St., 443099 Samara, Russia


The frequent mean of semantics of inexpressible lexeme “something” is studied in the article on the material of the novel of Dm. Emets “The Great Something”. The preconditions that allow the indefinite pronouns convey the meaning of inexpressible have been revealed. It was shown that the mean of transference of inexpressible could become a literary onim. In the story, “something” as a mean of conveying semantics of inexpressible is presented in playful parody and entertaining way through a set of well-known philosophical ideas and techniques of thinking (they are listed and illustrated). However, the “something” functioning as an indefinite pronoun conveys in the story the semantics of uncertainty or about, but does not send the value of the inexpressible. The essential functional features of semantics of inexpressible have been identified and characterized. It is shown that in the field of constant denotative semantics of inexpressible “the world of the beyond”, there is an intersection of this semantics with similar semantics of incomprehensible and invisible because of their similarities in syntagmatic and epidigmatic dimensions and the availability of common components in the semantic structure of their constituents. Other means of transference of the meaning of inexpressible have been characterized in comparison with lexeme “something”, “inexpressible”, “someone”, and “it”. The factors with which the lexeme “it” conveys the meaning of the inexpressible have been named. It is shown that as a mean of transference of semantics of inexpressible lexeme “something” is more autosemantic than “it”. Dmitry Yemets in his fictional novel realized a successful linguistic experiment reflecting the variety of functional features of semantics of inexpressible.


  • • functional and semantic category
  • • semantics of inexpressible
  • • literary text
  • • indefinite pronouns
  • • substantive pronoun
  • • semantics of uncertainty


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