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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

Psychology of Creativity and Pedagogy in the Context of the Asynchrony of Cultural Personality Layers

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2015. Vol. 4. No. 1. Pp. 43-49.
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Ivanov M. V.
Petersburg Sate Transport University
9 Moskovsky Ave., 190031 Saint Petersburg, Russia


The article is devoted to problems of creative and reproductive strategies of modern Russian pedagogy with regard to the asynchrony of cultural personality layers of students. The asynchrony of cultural and psychological personality layers means that a system of personal attitudes consists of orientations that prevailed in different historical periods and therefore is able to combine both harmony and disharmony of interaction between them. Orientation on the reproduction or on the creativity has a particularly strong influence on the formation and dominance over private personal attitudes. Special attention is paid to active group learning methods that are capable of intensifying the creative development of a personality. The cause of many of the shortcomings of the modern education is the state bureaucratic activity armed of consolidating the archaic reproductive attitudes in teachers and students practices and at enhancing the asynchrony of cultural layers of personality, which hampers the further development of creativity. Much attention is paid to the traditions of Russian humanitarian thought and experience of outstanding Russian teachers largely determined the development of modern pedagogical practice. The activity of the most talented native teachers of the twentieth century was aimed at reducing the specified cultural asynchrony of pupils through active intragroup interaction with increasing inclusion of each in the process of development of modern cultural skills of creativity. Not “stucking” on the tasks that the group could decide for herself, the teacher worked "for the future", focusing it on the broader educational interests and creativity. Typology of culture correlates with cognitive mechanisms of socialization.


  • • creativity
  • • reproduction
  • • cultural asynchrony
  • • methods of learning
  • • positive and negative choice
  • • personality
  • • self-actualization


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