Driving Style: Determining Factors, Characteristics, Optimization Directions
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2015. Vol. 4. No. 1. Pp. 76-84.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: gretta25@list.ruAbstract
A system of description, identification and classification of factors determining driving style is proposed in the article; stable (sustained) and variable (unstable) factors determining driving style are studied. Driving style is analyzed within the framework of structural approach. The variable factor are: specifications and technical condition of the vehicle, class of the car, its prestige (from a social point of view), training of the driver, social regulators, features of the road environment, psychophysiological (and emotional) condition of the driver. The stable factors are: individual-typological properties, the level of suitability for driver`s activities, personal (primarily characterological) features of a driver and sources of activity. Five main characteristics of driving style are selected and presented: safety-risk, confidence with parking, relation to the means of security; planning-impulsivity; driving culture. There are results of empirical research directed on discovery of relationship between styles of driving activities (planning-universal-impulsive) as one characteristic of driving style, emotions typical for driver while driving and accidents. Increase of safety as a result of planning style of activities is shown (especially for women drivers). The paper offers direction of work for optimizing driving style: the formation of compensating planning style of activities, psychotherapeutic work, modeling training, psychological selection, training and education work in driving schools.
- • driving style
- • factors
- • characteristics of driving style
- • planning activities style
- • directions of driving style optimization
- • typical emotions
- • men and women drivers
- • safety - accident
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