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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

Creative Commonwealth of Generations as a Philosophy of Life and the Basis of Pedagogy

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2014. Vol. 3. No. 2. Pp. 131-140.
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Nagavkina L. S.
Saint-Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts
2 Dvortsovaya emb., 191186 Sankt-Petersburg, Russia


The article is dedicated to the problem of the crisis in traditional educational relations and to the development of progressive educational relations at the level of the philosophy of life and the pedagogy of common concerns. The connecting nature of the relationship between teachers and their pupils and the development of creative abilities of children in a social life is discussed. Thus the author's conception of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Igor Petrovich Ivanov is brought out in the current article.


  • • educational relations
  • • philosophy of life
  • • pedagogy of general care
  • • development of creative abilities of children
  • • child development in social life
  • • Igor Ivanov conception
  • • Igor Petrovich Ivanov


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