“Postdramatic” Tendencies in the German Dramatic Art at the End of XX — Beginning of XXI Centuries
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2014. Vol. 3. No. 1. Pp. 26-31.
Get the full text (English) Email: kafzl@уаndex.ruAbstract
Disintegration and integration processes of German culture of the end of XX and beginning of XXI are analyzed by giving examples of stage interpretations of mythological plots in theatres of present-day Germany. It is stated that pluralism and multidimensionality of the spiritual experience of modern cultural workers, both writers (such as V. Braun, S. Schutz, B. Strauss etc.) and leading producers (D. Dorn, S. Nubling and others) contribute to the drawing up of a special syncretic style of theatre staging, first of all with the use of the ancient material which is appropriate for it. Ancient myth, as one of the steadiest constants of the European literature, gives a universal key to the interpretation of various cultural and ethic-aesthetic phenomena that are irredundant to nothing else. There is a sociocultural context in which German spectators nowadays try to comprehend these dramaturgy phenomena; and there is a genuine stage director interpretations of them (in Aachen City Theatre, Dramatic Theatre of Hannover, Munich Chamber Theatre etc.) that not only lead to the decanonization of the classic model, but also pinpoint problematique of these performances.
- • myth
- • mythologization
- • interpretation
- • plot
- • philosophic-aesthetic conception
- • postdramatic theatre
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