Publishing process
The publishing process is guided by International Standards for Editors and Authors and other documents of COPE. All articles are double-blind reviewed.
All sent by e-mail materials are tested for completeness and compliance with the formal requirements (2-3 weeks). If documents are correct in form the editors register them and notify authors. After the registration the work is sent to reviewer (2 months). Manuscipts that are qualified by reviewer as “recommended for publishing without corrections” can be sent by the editors for additional expertise or accepted for publishing. Accepted manuscripts processed by editor in collaboration with author. A made-up version of the paper usually sent to author for approval. The author can make changes or corrections (if necessary) or approve it.
Manuscripts that require to be revised return to authors with request for changes. Revised manuscripts should be sent to the editors (in 2 months).
The editors reserve the right to reject article even if a positive review was given.
The review originals are kept in the editorial office for 5 years. At the request of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the review must be submitted to the Higher Validation Committee and/or to the Ministry of Education and Science.