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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

Stoyan Burov

Stoyan Panayotov Burov — known specialist in the field of Bulgarian linguistics, Doctor of Philology, professor of Veliko Tarnovo University of Saints Cyril and Methodius, сorresponding member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, and head of modern Bulgarian language department of philological faculty since 2004.

He is the author of more than one hundred and fifty works, including three monographs, a lot of dictionaries, textbooks, manuals, etc. He works in the fields of Bulgarian and Slavic grammar, culture, language and linguistic pragmatics, as well as in the field of lexicography and learning Bulgarian as their native and foreign language. The main scientific contribution is in the field of functional grammar, theory of semantic interaction and theory of categorization.

Monographs, dictionaries and textbooks:

  1. Forms and Meanings of the Noun (Mainly in the View of Category of Number). Library “Philology”, Linguistics 6. Veliko Tarnovo: ПИК, 1996. 198 pp.
  2. Bulgarian Language for Foreigners. I. Basic Course in Lexis and Grammar. Veliko Tarnovo: Faber, 1997. 292 pp.
  3. Knowledge in the Language of the Bulgarians. Grammatical Study of Conceptual Categorization of Objectivity. Veliko Tarnovo: “Faber”, 2004. 435 pp.

Main works:

  1. Degrees of comparison in the Bulgarian language as a subject of functional morphology // Works of the Veliko Tarnovo University “Cyril and Methodius”, XXI, vol. 2. Linguistics 1985-1986. Sofia: Science and Art, 1986, p. 150–172.
  2. Bashkir-Bulgarian Lexical Parallels. // Professor Jalil Giniyatovich Kiekbaev and his contribution to the Development of the Ural-Altaic and Turkic Studies. Materials of International Scientific-Practical Conference, Devoted to 100 Birthday Anniversary of Famous Bashkir Scientist, Specialist in Turkic Philology, Writer and Public Figure j. G. Kiekbaev. Ufa: Dialogue, 2011. Pp. 30–39.
  3. Two Bulgarian Standards of Oral Literary Language. Electronic Journal LiterNet. 07.11.2012. No. 11 (156). URL: