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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

The position of the individual in the modern information society

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2023. Vol. 12. No. 1. Pp. 29-45.
Get the full text (Russian)
Chistov R. S.
Siberian Federal University
79 Svobodny Avenue, 660041 Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Medvedev S. O.
Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology
31 Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Avenue, 660037 Krasnoyarsk, Russia


The article is devoted to understanding the position of an individual in the information society, in the conditions of transformation associated with digital technologies. The main attention is paid to a person and the state of their subjectivity and responsibility. At the same time, it is established that one of the most important trends in the modernization of society is the active implementation of the principles of sustainable development. The modern technological platform and the civilization forming on its basis, automation and robotics, artificial intelligence and other functioning artifacts contribute to an active, systemic symbiosis of the living and inanimate, natural, human and mechanical principles. The development and increasing influence of video content, the transition of rational and emotional intelligence of a person to remote access, the formation of a digital mosaic of a person’s avatar in cyberspace, on the one hand, and the displacement of a person from employment and new forms of income generation, the monopoly on the right to use the digital footprint of a person and hi-tech in general appropriated by several mega corporations, total branding and marketing, on the other hand, impose a number of requirements on the individual and their responsibility for themselves and for the state of society. The results of philosophical, sociological and neurophysiological studies show that a person’s self-consciousness occurs as a result of socialization, accompanied by narrative communication. The developing activity from the first person, passing through the educational mechanism of freedom/responsibility, forms the consciousness and sanity of a person, that is, a person capable of social activity and reflection. Today we are witnessing the permanent loss of a person’s ability to reason and reflect, the transition from narrative to signal communication, the reduction of complex human and social experience to simple schemes. The dissolution of the existential essence of a person in digital codes leads to the loss of the relevance of the individual as such in the social world. Thus, the existing situation itself activates the discourse about the actualization of human identity and conscious social freedom, on the one hand, and the institutionalization at various levels of socio-humanitarian expertise of the events and processes taking place, on the other.


  • • digitalization
  • • technological platform
  • • sustainable development
  • • second nature
  • • artificial intelligence
  • • information society
  • • digital footprint
  • • human
  • • consciousness
  • • consumer society
  • • motivation


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