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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

Homonymy in the context of general semantic stratification of vocabulary

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2022. Vol. 11. No. 6. Pp. 420-427.
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Ibragimova V. L.
Ufa University of Science and Technologies
32 Zaki Validi Street, 450076 Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia


The article deals with issues related to the ambiguity of understanding the nature and place of homonymy in the vocabulary of independent language formations, with the features of the correlation of units of intralinguistic homodoublet associations, with a variety of approaches to their definition. Attention is drawn to the incorrect consideration of homodoublet formations in a line with lexico-semantic classes of units in a system of hierarchical, level-by-level differentiated integrity, which follows from the objective-linguistic principles of identifying units correlated semantically (lexico-semantic classes) and units related by the duplication of the expression plan (homonyms). The possibility of understanding the “contextual-semantic repulsion” of homonymous units in terms of system connectivity is also considered. Attention is paid to the problem of the origin of homonymy, which is reflected in the terms “homogeneous” and “heterogeneous”. Homogeneous intralinguistic homonymy is considered as the result of semantic development, consistent with the own linguistic nature of the word, the disintegration of its polysemy, perceived by native speakers as the limit of its semantic variation. Heterogeneous homonymy is characterized as a phenomenon of random coincidence of lexical units in terms of expressing their different semantics: in sound and graphic representation. The significance of the phenomenon of homonymy is primarily associated with the communicative and speech aspect of the functioning of the language.


  • • intralingual
  • • heterogeneous
  • • homogeneous
  • • communication
  • • correlation
  • • lexical
  • • homonymy
  • • semantic
  • • connectivity
  • • level


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