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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

Online teaching as the global transformation of educational system

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2022. Vol. 11. No. 5. Pp. 334-345.
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Chikileva L. S.
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
49 Leningradsky Avenue, Moscow, 125993 (GSP-3), Russia
Asanova S. A.
Incheon National University
119 Academy Road, 406-772 Incheon, Yoensu-gu, South Korea


The authors of the article compare the features of the organization of the educational process in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Korea during the transition to universal online education in connection with pandemic outbreaks. The authors pay special attention to the higher education system and analyze the factors determining the radical transformation of the educational format in connection with the use of new approaches to teaching and learning. The most important approaches that ensured the effectiveness of the educational process during the pandemic crisis are highlighted. The effectiveness of using the Flipped learning approach, which is combined with traditional teaching methods, is noted. The authors mention electronic tools created at the state level in the Republic of Korea for the purpose of copyright protection of educational content presented online, as well as electronic tools for protection against plagiarism. The necessity of professional retraining of the teaching staff to work in the new mode is taken into consideration. Particular attention is paid to the consideration of whether online training can adequately replace the offline format or the use of blended learning and offline teaching is a better option. The authors conclude that due to the changes in the educational environment because of the universal transition to online learning a qualitative leap has taken place the result of which is the global transformation of the educational system.


  • • online learning
  • • offline learning
  • • educational content
  • • digital literacy


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