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Archaisms in the vocabulary of the Yakut language (on the material of names of household items)

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2022. Vol. 11. No. 4. Pp. 290-298.
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Skrybina A. A.
Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North, Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 Petrovskogo Street, 677001 Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha, Russia


Archaisms, as one of the main categories of obsolete vocabulary, attract the attention of many scientists. Archaisms contain the most valuable information about everyday life, history, material and spiritual culture of the people. The aim of the study is to identify and describe archaisms connected with household items. The lexicographic sources of the Yakut language served as the research material. Descriptive and analytical methods, the method of a continuous sampling of archaisms from lexicographic sources, methods of contextual analysis and the comparative method were used to implement the goals and objectives. The considered names of household items, which are currently archaisms, were formed by morphological, syntactic and lexical-semantic ways of word formation. The most active and productive way of forming the names of household objects is the morphological way. The greatest number of compound words is formed by the model “N + N”. The historical-genetic analysis reveals the native and borrowed strata. The main core is the original terminology, consisting of general Turkic stratum. Borrowings from the Mongolian language are revealed. The author concludes that there are shifts in the meanings of borrowed words, the consolidation of secondary meanings as the main ones, as well as the appearance of new meanings that are absent in the source language. In the lexical-semantic group of “household vocabulary” a large number of archaisms is found, which requires more thorough study, which gives prospects for further development of research in this area.


  • • Yakut language
  • • obsolete vocabulary
  • • archaisms
  • • material culture
  • • household items


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