Phonetic and semantic features of the Suntar dialect of the Yakut language (on the material of the Yakut-Russian Topical Dictionary by M. N. Timofeev-Tereshkin, 1950)
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2022. Vol. 11. No. 4. Pp. 278-289.
Get the full text (Russian) Email: 1953307@mail.ruAbstract
The aim of the study is to describe the dialectal phonetic and semantic features of the vocabulary of the Suntar dialect on the material of the thematic Yakut-Russian dictionary of M. N. Timofeev-Tereshkin (1950). The descriptive method with the use of phonetic analysis and the interpretation of the semantics of the lexemes were used. The previously unpublished bilingual thematic dictionary of M. N. Timofeev-Tereshkin from the Archive of the Yakutsk Research Center was introduced into the scientific community. A selection of dialect words from the dictionary was made. Phonetic correspondences were determined, which belong to the typical features of the Suntar dialect: correspondences of vowels: y~i: syrai~sirei, y~a: bychyrhai~bychcharhai, ө~e: dhyoibүr~deibir, ө~o: өnchoh~onchoh; consonant correspondences: t~d: toloҕoy~doloҕoy, m~b: emillē~ebillē, g~ҕ: tabagai~tabaҕai, h~k: tuohaktalaakh, champaraaktaakh, ҥ~n: iҥne~innē, n~y: tyiakh~tyniakh. Dialect names of cow and horse coat colors belonging to the Suntar dialect have been found (timir kөҕөchөr, tuoi kugas, etc.). The names of the colors are formed by means of affixes (-laach) and by adjoining. A new dialect phytonym keҕe kulgaaҕa ʻblue-purple prostrilʼ was revealed. A composite dialect word keҕe loҥuyar ʻcuckoo cuckooʼ, which is not included in dialectological dictionaries, is found. The dialectal features which are not typical for the Suntar dialect are identified. The semantics of the dialect names of cow and horse coat colors and individual dialect units have been determined.
- • Yakut language
- • Yakut dialectology
- • Suntar dialect
- • dialect zone
- • Timofeev-Tereshkin
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