Interactive web-platform with the gamification technology elements in teaching Russian language to foreign (Chinese) students
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2022. Vol. 11. No. 4. Pp. 271-277.
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The article is focused on the methodological foundations for creating an interactive web-platform using gamification technology to learn Russian as a foreign language. The platform is designed to optimize and individualize the e-learning process and introduce an effective learning model. The theoretical and applied foundations of using the online platform in the educational process are presented: a comprehensive study of intra- and extralinguistic (social, psychological, cultural, etc.) factors determining different and similar parameters of the averaged language personality of Russian and Chinese native speakers is carried out. The authors present the concept of the basic model of the module for learning the Russian language as foreign for Chinese students. The main stages of platform development are discussed: technological one and the content development. Special attention is paid to the problem of bilingualism, which is qualified as the development of relations that characterizes the language situation, and to the problem of combining cultural codes and types of thinking and individual worldview manifestations. Human comprehension of cognitive and social situations is often encountered twice - analyticity and holisticity. Analytical type of thinking is characterized by the sequence of analysis, logical validity and awareness. From the standpoint of the bearer of holistic thinking, in our case, it is a representative of a Chinese linguoculture, the whole world is a single whole, and separate objects are singled out, and objects make sense only as part of a community. These extralinguistic factors determine the generation of different pictures of the world among Russians and Chinese, and this is reflected and determined: behind each text, there is a linguistic personality.
- • interactive educational web-platform with gamification technology elements
- • Russian as foreign
- Elektronnaya igrovaya shkola. 2022. URL:
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