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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

Society conditions: possibilities of sanation of crisis situation and social control

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2022. Vol. 11. No. 4. Pp. 231-243.
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Pisachkina Ya. S.
Polytechnic college №47 named after V. G. Fedorov
3 Bldg., 112 Volokolamskoe Road, 125371, Moscow, Russia


The author of the article studies crisis states of society in the aspect of social control and in the contexts of social philosophy ideas, socio-cultural dynamics, social changes, instrumentality, technologicality and “instrumental mind” criticism. Actual problems of crisis philosophy and overcoming of society crisis state are in the center of author’s attention. Social sciences create activity schemes, reproducing social existence at the levels of macro and micro factors. Social control is a multiaspect and universal phenomenon, which represents itself as a mechanism, which marks the application of value orientations and norms in regulation of people’s relations, their behavior and activity. Social control functions are implemented in harmonization and sanation of social space, in overcoming of crisis situations, and in establishing social order. The elements of socium are civil society, state, regions, national and ethnic subjects of governance, corporations, labor associations, inhabited localities and other communities.


  • • crisis
  • • social crisis
  • • social control
  • • social changes
  • • social values
  • • anti-crisis PR
  • • crisis sanation


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