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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

Factors opposing the determinilogization of art criticism terms

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2022. Vol. 11. No. 3. Pp. 199-212.
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Ivanova S. V.
Pushkin Leningrad State University
10 Peterburgskoe Highway, 196605 Pushkin, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Dovgopiat P. E.
Saint-Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics
44A, Lermontovskii Avenue, 190103 Saint-Petersburg, Russia


The article reveals certain aspects of determinologization in the art criticism terminology system. The novelty of the study consists in indicating the factors preventing the loss of the terminological status of art criticism terms. The objective of this work is to identify the properties that can protect the art criticism term from determinologization. In this study such linguistic methods as definitional analysis, contextual analysis, as well as elements of semasiological analysis were employed. The research material was drawn from specialized dictionaries of art history and art criticism terminology. The major difference between a word of general literary language and a term is the term belongs to the language for special purposes as it performs the function of denoting an exact scientific concept. On the other hand, art criticism terminology actively interacts with terms of other spheres of scientific knowledge, and is also often used in general literary language. For this reason, the structure and boundaries of the art criticism terminology system tend to be unstable. In the course of the study, the reasons for the determinologization of art criticism terms are singled out: in addition to the wide use of art criticism terms outside the respective system, leading to the loss of terminological meaning, as well as consubstantiality, which is hazardous for the scientific notion, one can also highlight the absence of denotation or a unit of definition different from a compatible lexical unit of general literary language. This leads to the loss of the terminological status of the overwhelming number of art criticism terms, which requires the establishment and substantiation of criteria that can protect the art history term from determinologization. As a result, the following properties of art criticism terms have been established, which are able to protect the terminological status of art criticism terms: the availability of denotation and definition, different from a non-term similar in meaning, semantic volume, accuracy, uniqueness, meaningfulness, motivation. The main factor responsible for the preservation of the terminological status could be the irreplaceability of the term in the language for special purposes which implies lack of synonyms.


  • • term
  • • non-term
  • • determinologization
  • • art history terminology
  • • terminology
  • • terminological status


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