Structural and semantic features of sports terms (on the example of ice hockey)
Liberal Arts in Russia. 2022. Vol. 11. No. 1. Pp. 58-66.
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The article deals with topical issues of sports terminology, namely the term sphere “ice hockey”. The terms are analyzed from the point of view of their functioning in modern speech, which makes it possible to discover their semantic structure and ways of its development by the example of two sports terms - “шайба” (“puck”) and “клюшка” (“stick”). The semantics of words is presented as multi-layered, having a basic meaning that contains professionally significant information, and a periphery that is formed during the functioning of the word in speech. The authors come to the conclusion that the terms are part of the lexical system of the language and they have the same processes as the basic vocabulary. Contextual analysis carried out using examples from the National Corpus of the Russian language showed that at the level of phrases, visual and spatial representation of the physical properties of objects (size, weight, shape) is realized, and the appearance of additional metaphorical and metonymic meanings is also shown. Sports terms can be desemanticized by being used as onyms. The cognitive parameters of the terms considered are not equivalent. It is noted that the word “шайба” (“puck”) has a higher derivational and semantic potential than the word “клюшка” (“stick”). The terms represent not only precise professional concepts, but also modern associations and assessments of speakers.
- • sports discourse
- • sports term system
- • semantic structure of term
- • hockey
- • puck
- • stick
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